What’s New

National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Demands Action

AIDS Action Calls President’s FY 2009 Budget Request Shameful

Everett Summer Internship Now Accepting Applications

Tennessean Publishes Editorial, Opinion Pieces on HIV/AIDS

Black AIDS Institute Releases Report Analyzing Presidential Candidates’ HIV/AIDS Records

Advocacy Groups, Jeanne White-Ginder Still Waiting to Meet with Gov. Huckabee

AIDS Action Calls on Huckabee to Follow HIV/AIDS Science

Hillary Clinton Announces Plan to Fight HIV/AIDS At Home And Abroad

AIDS Action Council statement on World AIDS Day 2007: Leadership needed for a national strategy to stop the epidemic

AIDS Action Council Praises Release of Latest State of AIDS in Black America Report

House of Representatives Passes Stop AIDS in Prison Act of 2007

AIDS Action Council Commends Senator Edwards for Endorsing a National HIV/AIDS Strategy

More than 100 Organizations Call for a National AIDS Strategy to end the epidemic in the United States

AIDS Action Supports Early Treatment for HIV Act (ETHA), Life-Saving Legislation for People Living with HIV

Nations community leaders voice a resounding ‘No'to Dr. Holsinger, Bush's nominee for Surgeon General

Nine Year DC Syringe Exchange Ban Overturned: Washington, D.C. Local Funds Allowed to Support Syringe Exchange Programs

Wednesday, June 27 is the 13th annual National HIV Testing Day. AIDS Action today urges all people in the U.S. to get an HIV test.

AIDS Action Council Says House Subcommittee Appropriations Recommendations Promising Yet Still Inadequate to Meet Growing Epidemic

AIDS Action Council Vows to Work with Congress Toward Passing Stop AIDS in Prison Act of 2007

Letter from Executive Director Rebecca Haag to Senator Harry Reid and Senator Max Baucus in support of HR3

President's Budget for HIV/AIDS Fails to Meet Current and Projected Needs for the 1.2 Million People living with HIV in the U.S.

The President’s Fiscal Year 2007 Budget Request: HIV-Related Programs
Click here to see how HIV programs fared in the President's budget. (PDF Format)

Veröffentlicht von Leonard Bernsteiner

Leonard ist einer der bekanntesten Experten im Gesundheitswesen. Vor allem im deutschsprachigen Raum konnte er sich durch seine einzigartigen Artikel einen Namen machen. Seine Texte überzeugen vor allem durch Qualität und Vollständigkeit.

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