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 WASHINGTON, December 19, 2008
Recommendations for the Presidential Transition Team – We are submitting a document on behalf of and with input from national,state and local organizations representing persons infected and affected by HIV/AIDS,including minority communities, gay men, women, HIV medical providers, HIV housing providers, AIDS service organizations, state AIDS programs, and AIDS legal advocates with recommendations to the Presidential transition team. Read More…
Read supporting documents…Principles of HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care, Treatment and Research Must Inform Implementation of a National AIDS Strategy and Health Care Reform
AIDS action’s latest policy paper calling for incorporating the knowledge gained from nearly 30 years of experience with HIV/AIDS into upcoming health care reform efforts and the development of a National AIDS strategy.. Read MoreAIDS Action’s Rebecca Haag Urges Obama Administration to Develop U.S. HIV/AIDS Strategy – Organizations Urge Obama to Craft a National Strategy to Combat HIV/AIDS During First 100 Days… Read More

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WASHINGTON, Dec. 1, 2008
AIDS Action honors the memory of people lost to HIV/AIDS and commits to redouble its efforts to end AIDS in the U.S. on this 20th World AIDS Day, Dec. 1.

Click here to view the letter.  To sign on, email aford@aidsaction.org

Veröffentlicht von Leonard Bernsteiner

Leonard ist einer der bekanntesten Experten im Gesundheitswesen. Vor allem im deutschsprachigen Raum konnte er sich durch seine einzigartigen Artikel einen Namen machen. Seine Texte überzeugen vor allem durch Qualität und Vollständigkeit.

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